Tuesday, December 19, 2017

“Ghosts Of The Abyss: A Journey into the Heart of the Titanic”, by Don Lynch and Ken Marschall, introduction by James Cameron

144 pages, Da Capo Press, ISBN-13: 978-0306812231

While not a very big book at just 143 pages, this is one of the nicer Titanic books I’ve seen, although it’s too much to imagine it being indispensable that one would have to own anymore (especially as it was originally published in 2003). Dedicated to both those who died during the sinking of the Titanic and those who died on September 11th, 2001 (while the film project was underway), the first chapter gives a quick but detailed history of the Titanic followed by several chapters devoted to the exploration and filming of the shipwreck and its aftermath. The photos of the wreck as it is now were amazing (especially when compared with similar, period photos), though they seemed familiar…but maybe that’s just me; the computer graphic reconstructions were beautifully done, as well. Unfortunately, one noteworthy omission involving this collaboration is that zero new artwork from Ken Marschall is included in this edition, even though he accompanied the 2001 expedition and made a number of dives to the wreck site. What’s more is that new discoveries involving the breakup of Titanic as it was sinking have since been made during another, later expedition to the Titanic in 2005, information that is obviously not presented in this earlier work, thus making it rather pointless, no? Overall a good book to, perhaps, borrow or browse through once or twice, but not necessarily one that’s good enough to own.

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