pages, Harper Perennial, ISBN-13: 978-0060934835
you’re looking for a detailed cataloging of German history from the early
tribes through the modern era, then A
Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People is not the book to
read. Ozment is writing to an audience (it seems to me, anyway) that is already
somewhat familiar with the major topics, events, and people of German history.
That allows him to focus more on certain themes than on details, such as: the
relationship between church and state and how it evolved in Germany; obstacles
to centralized authority in Germany; how Germans have come to see themselves
and foreigners throughout the centuries; the German balance between order and
freedom; and, finally, the difficulties of writing about German history for
historians in the post-Nazi era. On developing these, I think Ozment does a
good job, and overall the book goes into wonderful detail in some areas,
needless detail in others, and is painfully vague on the rest.
example, he writes about seven pages on the Saxon Elector Frederick the Wise,
one of Luther’s biggest supporters, while also spending about the same amount
on the revolution of 1848, arguably one of the most pivotal events in German –
and European – history (although he does refer back to it later, when
discussing interwar and post-WW2 German governments). On the other hand, his
discussion of Hitler’s rise to power is very well written, giving the reader a
better understanding of the conditions in which the Third Reich arose, and what
exactly many Germans found appealing about Hitler.
I enjoyed most about the book was Ozment’s continual discussion of the German
balance between individual freedom and autonomy, and the need for strong
authority to prevent anarchy and ensure prosperity. Historically, Germans have
seen freedom from chaos as being equally important as freedom from tyranny. His
analysis of the German reaction to the French Revolution was excellent. He also
aptly explains the German multilayered identity, with strong inclinations toward
the local and the regional; this had been fostered by centuries-long existence
of free cities and powerful dukes and princes. In the centuries when English,
French, and Spanish monarchs were becoming more powerful, Germany’s monarchs
were often preoccupied with foreign involvement, causing their absence and
neglect of German affairs. That allowed Germany’s princes to become even more
powerful, partially explaining why the country never centralized the way the
others did.
the book’s analysis of German history is often lopsided, focusing too much on
some areas, while being too skimpy with others. But Ozment develops and supports
his themes with a well-researched and written book that will, at the end of the
day, leave most readers better informed about Germany.