844 pages, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, ISBN-13: 978-0156409469
C. Fest, the son of a Catholic anti-Nazi who grew up in Nazi Germany (but he
never alludes to his own life), has written perhaps the most engaging and insightful
biography of the madman of the century in Hitler.
This is not the first Hitler biography I have read: I am a veteran reader of
past works on the sonovabitch as Hitler:
A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock, Adolf
Hitler by John Toland, and the two-volume study by Ian Kershaw: Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris and Hitler: 1936-1945 Nemesis. Yet none of these
books, while informative, have the depth of understanding of the horrible
phenomenon of Hitler that Fest brings to his biography (perhaps, as a German,
Fest is closer to his subject?) Yes, the style is dry, but within the covers of
this book you will find insights and observations that are lacking in all other
biographies on the Führer. Sadly, Hitler is
probably less well-known to English-speaking readers than the afore-mentioned works,
but for anyone who wants to understand the Nazi phenomenon and its role in
history should turn to the far more trenchant and searching Fest, as he is much
more focused on the man than the cataclysmic events he set in motion. Fest’s book
is, to a degree, psychoanalysis, both of a leader and of the society that he
led, as he delves into how we react, intellectually and emotionally, to
history-moving leaders and their movements when we are but passive observers.
I cannot
praise enough the author’s picture of the ambitious young Adolf, then later the
Adolf of the charity men’s home in Vienna, and the Adolf serving exemplarily on
the Western Front. Fest provides a real understanding of Hitler before he found
his destiny as a public speaker and a leader of men. In most biographies of
Adolf Hitler the portrait of the Monster or Madman have loomed so large that
the man himself has been obscured, if not completely submerged. This is one
point among many where Fest’s book parts company with most that have come both
before and after. This is not just the best Adolf Hitler biography I've ever
read – it’s possibly the best biography of anyone
I’ve ever read. I never would have believed such a long book could be such an
enjoyable read and yet be so totally informative, well-researched and
well-documented. The will to power was always latent in Hitler’s nature, but
like a volcano it needed to find its way to the surface. Many soul-searing
influences were needed, most importantly being the lost war and the humiliating
demands of the Treaty of Versailles. Those were the years of grinding hardship
that drove the populace toward the freedom and dignity offered by Communism.
This was fertile ground for Hitler, whose hatred of Marxism dated from his
youth in Vienna: more even than Jews it was international Communism that he
wanted to destroy, and amongst his first victims, both Jewish and Christian,
were dedicated Marxists (indeed, the first Nazi concentration camps were built
for them, as well as for other political opponents of the regime).
makes no apologies or excuses for the monstrous crimes Germany committed at
Hitler’s behest, but there is more to any man than just whatever evil he has
done. The skill needed to transform events into a good read while also
maintaining perspective and providing a balanced judgement from the evidence
now available to scholars is clearly one of Joachim C. Fest’s strengths. This
is an excellent biographical history to read in conjunction with social, economic
and military histories of Germany in the grim, dark 20th Century. I
am a general reader and found this more than a worthy work, unfolding as it
does, like some great Wagnerian Opera, yet full of telling detail to make the
events vivid and memorable.