pages, W. W. Norton & Company, ISBN-13: 978-0393048933
Schnitzler (1862-1931) was an Austrian physician, author and playwright whose
works were widely read and criticized for their frank sexuality during his
lifetime – and who is virtually unknown today. A contemporary of Sigmund Freud, he
dealt with human sexuality and the psyche at a time when such matters were
taboo; indeed, Freud remarked that Schnitzler seemed to have learned more about
sex through intuition than Freud had through decades of psychoanalysis. That is
one of the central theses of Peter Gay's Schnitzler's
Century: The Making of Middle Class Culture 1815-1914, a timeframe that roughly coincides with both the Victorian and
Edwardian eras.
We are all familiar with the public record of the time and the clichés about the Victorian mindset, but Gay wants to peel back those clichés and have a look at the Victorian with his guard down – he wants to tell us what the middle-class Victorians really thought and how they really behaved, and Schnitzler's diary gives Gay access to the private mind and conscience behind the Victorian facade. One of Gay's points is that there is really no typical "Victorian", and that the much disparaged middle-class is really a much more diversified and conflicted group than many historians would lead you to believe. Schnitzler is not exactly a representative Victorian, for in many ways he is a figure (roughly contemporary with Freud) who tells us more about the century to come than the one he was born into. And like Freud, he is concerned less with the general goings-on within society than he is with the goings-on within his own and his character's minds: their hidden motivations and whatnot.
mind appeals to Gay because Gay is himself a Freudian, and his book is an
attempt to reveal the hidden motivations (anxieties, fears, aggressions,
desires) driving the age; Gay is a consummate historian, however, and he never
lets his Freudian interests lead him into speculative corners: he supports
every point with lively data and convincingly shows us that the Victorians are
a largely misunderstood people. We assume they were overly shy about sex, but
Gay gathers plenty of evidence to counter this misassumption (Schnitzler himself
seems to have thought of little else as he moved from one conquest to another).
Whether we are to assume that Schnitzler is a typical Victorian or not seems to
be beside the point because what Gay wants us to see is that any generalization
that we make about the Victorians will quickly be undone by evidence to the
contrary. This is not a "biography" of Schnitzler and it is not a
typical "history" of the Victorians or middle-class; rather, Schnitzler's Century is
an interdisciplinary work which blends biography and history and uses one discipline to challenge another and, in so doing, offers fresh
insight into both.