Saturday, March 30, 2019

“Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline”, by Robert H. Bork

400 pages, HarperCollins, ISBN-13: 978-0060391638

Say it with me, just once:
“Justice Bork”
*sigh* *whimper* *groan*

Ah, what coulda been if only this intellectual giant had not been brought low by the moral pigmy from Massachusetts and his litany of lies and slander. Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline is truly the magnum opus of a towering figure in constitutional law and societal commentator and I was shocked at how prescient his work is. Having reread it a couple decades after he wrote it gives one the ability to compare his dire predictions with the ugly reality of the outcome, for Judge Bork was generally spot-on in his analysis and predictions. Judge Bork chronicles the rise of the radical “liberal” (as we call them, though Cultural Marxist would be a more accurate term) in the 1960’s. The radical, hard-left successfully executed Gramsci’s “long march through the institutions”, beginning with the universities and have, over time, come to dominate not only academia but also infotainment, law, government and the hierarchies of mainline Christian churches.

This is definitely not a book for liberals, or for sissies: if you want hard hitting, historically accurate and unassailable truth smacking-you-upside-the-head in every page, and you are willing to be open to read without criticism a critical critique of America’s narcissistic love of self and what consequences are coming down the pike, this is a must read. Bork pulls no punches as he explains in the first few pages how America and its dream of the American Way of Life have over reached its boundaries of realism, and how the fantasy Americans continue to pursue is killing the very soul of this country. You may not like Bork because of his true conservative mannerisms, but he tells the truth about our selfish, self-centered culture just like it is. I found this book fascinating in a dark sorta way, and directed to educating the unlearned and the unschooled about the consequences ofdabbling in the Beautiful Side of Evil, said consequences of ignorance being not pretty. Hopefully it is not too late for America and its citizens to wake up and see the fearsome, ugly, hateful, envious, celebrity centered reality which we have become.

Far from the neohedonism of liberalism and libertarianism, there exists the well-reasoned, constitutionally-grounded and values-affirming conservatism of Robert Bork. Slouching Towards Gomorrah is pure waters to those who have thought hard about the limits of free speech and progressive goals such as welfare expansion. Because Judge Bork’s arguments are so well thought-out and sincerely felt, his deft challenges to presumptions on the right and left again and again clear away sophomoric notions in favor of genuinely wise guidance. America was truly robbed of what would have likely been perhaps her greatest justice to date by the “borking” of this great thinker. This book should be required reading by constitutional lawyers as, whether you agree or not with Judge Bork, his arguments will definitely have you considering things more carefully.

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